Quick Links | Managing Family Plans | Managing Dependent Data Sheets | Assigning to Dependents | Marking the Data Sheet Private
DeleteMe provides data exposure identification for both primary users and for family members. DeleteMe Platinum & VIP plans include family member coverage by default and for other plans, DeleteMe users can add family coverage to their plans. This guide is intended to illustrate how to manage family plans in DeleteMe and the corresponding functionality for family plans.
Managing Family Plans
Platinum and VIP level plans will automatically have additional data sheets available for you to use for dependents/family members when you login to your DeleteMe account. Each plan you manage will highlight your primary data sheet first in your list of data sheets. It will have the corresponding plan level that you've been assigned in the "plan" section of the data sheet page.
Managing Dependents
To complete a dependent data sheet, you have two options: 1) Manage the data yourself by inputting the data on your dependent's behalf 2) assign the data sheet to your dependent to complete on their own.
Managing Dependent Data Sheets
- To manage the data sheet, click the vertical ellipses on the right side of the screen, next the "not filled" data sheet.
- Next, click the "Edit" button, which will open the dependent data sheet.
- Last, follow the steps to complete the data sheet for your dependent.
Assigning to Dependents
Note: Assigning a data sheet to a dependent means the dependent will have their own username and password to login to DeleteMe.
- To manage the data sheet, click the vertical ellipses on the right side of the screen, next the "not filled" data sheet.
- Click the "Assign Data Sheet" button.
- A new dialogue box will open, asking you to input your dependent's Name, Email, and Relationship.
- Once you complete these inputs, click the "Invite" button.
- Your dependent will receive an invitation email from <no-reply@joindeleteme.com>.
Marking the Data Sheet Private
Once a dependent registers their login, they are able to mark the data sheet private. Doing so will mean that the primary account holder can no longer access or view any of the data in the data sheet. This is optional for the dependent after they register their account. If you do not mark your account as private then the primary user will be able to edit / view the information in the data sheet.
Data Sheet Page
Dependent Invite Modal
Dependent Invite Email
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